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Everything You Need to Know about Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg

The Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg (German: Abgeordnetenkammer, French: Chambre des Députés, Luxembourgish: D’Chamber) is the different abbreviations for the term “chamber,” is considered as the Luxembourg unicameral national legislature. The parliament of Luxembourg, which is also called as the “Chamber of Deputies,” that signifies the state of Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies enforces the legislative power. The numerous provisions rule the different operations enforced by the Chamber of Deputies.

The Luxembourg Chamber is covered with a total of 60 seats. And the 60 delegates will be chosen by the people in Luxembourg to serve the state for five years. People have the freedom to vote different nominees as long as it will fit the number of the constituency seats for deputies.

The History of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies

The Luxembourg institution developed the Assemblée des États or the “Assembly of Estates that consist of a total of 34 members. Under the ruling term of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and the King of the Netherlands, William II, the powers of the legislatures were controlled and limited. Their decision will always vary upon the decision of the leader. They are required to give their full respect to the rulers. The consent of the legislatures to the rulers is essential during that period. The sovereign is the only one that can enforce a law. The meeting will only be conducted in 15 days annually, and all of these meetings are being held secretly.

In a period that was created by the democratic revolutionary movements in the city of France and other areas within France, the creation of a constitution was performed by the Constituent Assembly in the year of 1848. And the constitutional monarchy is now introduced, wherein the powers of King-Grand Duke remain that were counted by the Constitution. The “Chambre des Députés,” which is now assembly of Luxembourg that also possess governmental power. And one of the powers of the said parliament is to create and enforce numerous laws. It will be the one that will select the budget and has the freedom to investigate and be investigated. And the parliament will be the one that is responsible for the happenings in the Chamber. Furthermore, every meeting of the Chamber of Deputies can now be seen in public.

In the year of 1853, William III was invited to the parliament to create a new establishment that will limit the Chamber’s powers. And at the end, the revisions of the government were declined for approvement, and the current duke also disbanded the legislature. After that, the absolutist monarchy has a short-term return and is called as the Putsch of 1856. And this government was renamed and is now known as the “Assemblée des Etats,” and recollected their lawmaking abilities, but, this time, the Grand Duke can’t promulgate and approve the different rules and laws under his period. The permanent budget was introduced again, and the people are not required to pay taxes every year. In the year of 1856, the Council of State was developed as checking the Chamber of Deputies. The role of this new parliament is to reduce the opinions of the people in terms of the proposed regulations and bills.

Right after the independence and neutrality of the state of Luxembourg had been confirmed in the year of 1868 in the Second Treaty f London. It is a component that was reviewed to achieve the negotiation between the 1856 authoritarian charter and the 1848 liberties. The “Chambre des Députés” was renamed and recovered all the rights that were lost in the year of 1856, including the annual voting in terms of taxes and budget. On the other hand, King Grand-Duke still possesses a wide variety of powers. Along with the Assembly room, he also applied both the executive and governmental power.

The 1919 constitutional changes confirmed the national sovereignty of the principle. All of these methods of the democratization are developed during the monarchy crisis moment, a hard time for food supplies, and famine. Grand Duchess Charlotte stayed for being the co-executor of the legislative power and the head of Luxembourg.


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During the years of 1940 to 1944, the World War II that was under the power of German occupation of Luxembourg, the assembly room was diminished by Nazis and the state was seized under “Gau Moselland.” Both the Luxembourgish government and Grand Ducal Family get into a banishment (first in the UK, second in the City of Canada, and last is in the United States of America.)

The initial post-war meeting was launched on the 6th day of December in 1945 and is only limited to a single sitting of the public since a quorum is not present. During March to August in the year of 1945, a counseling meeting happened. The electing of new consultative assemble happened way back in October 1945. The continuity for the revision of the establishment of the “post-war Chamber” degenerated the neutrality of Luxembourg.

In the year of 2003, a new law was generated by the office of the ombudsman and mediator. This established law was fixed to the Chamber of Deputies, but don’t have the instructions from the other authorities in implementing the functions of the new law. This law is all about dealing with the complaints of the citizens in regards to the local and central government administrations and the remaining entities of the public. They will try to find out a solution between different parties – they will act as the mediator. Each year, they will regularly provide a clear and readable report to the parliament.

From the year 2008, most political parties now have the fund from the state. They have the accounts that are separated from the other political groups of the parliament. There will be two structures. For each political group receives their funds from the state, they are required to present the evidence about the political activities they enforced. They also need to offer a list of all the candidates at the European and legislative elections and must earn 2% of the entire vote.